Your Doctors Online Helped Me Diagnose An Anal lump At Home Because I Was Embarrassed To Visit A Doctor In-Person!

Medically reviewed by Dr. Fariah Imtiaz

Read On How Your Doctors Online Helped Jake Diagnose An Anal Lump:

My name is Jake, and I have had an anal lump for the past couple of months. Initially, it started as a small lump around the anal canal and itching. Then I started experiencing pain and discomfort. 

I started taking stool softeners to see if that helped resolve the issue. Increasing my water and fiber intake provided no relief either. The anal lump didn’t disappear.

I freaked out when I noticed fresh bleeding in the stool!

I never saw a doctor and convinced myself that I had some form of incurable disease because I was too embarrassed to see a doctor in person. One day I felt discomfort while passing stool, and then I noticed blood in my stool. I sat on the toilet seat in disbelief and started shaking. 

The sight of blood was terrifying, and the anal lump increased in size! 

I left the washroom and searched online for an appointment with a doctor. Soon, I came across an online doctor and found a better option. So, I signed up on Your Doctors Online and was immediately connected with a doctor, Dr Farrukh. She asked me how I was doing. I immediately told her that I felt terrible and that I had an anal lump that was associated with pain and bleeding.

Do You Have an Anal Lump? Chat With a Doctor Online

The doctor calmed me down and told me that the anal lump was known as a hemorrhoid!

The doctor calmed me down. She told me to take a deep breath. I did so and felt immediately relaxed. After that, she informed me that my symptoms were due to hemorrhoids which were a result of swollen rectal veins. She also told me that bleeding could occur in the case of hemorrhoids. 

I was guided in detail on how to manage my symptoms by the online doctor!

The doctor told me the following measures to help manage bleeding and pain:

  • Take a sitz bath daily and add Epsom salts for additional relief
  • Use an external hemorrhoidal cream or suppository containing hydrocortisone
  • Use pads containing witch hazel or numbing gel for the pain

Dr Farrukh also advised me that if the bleeding persists or if the size of the anal lump increases, I would have to visit a doctor in person. 

Your Doctors Online is the best platform to seek medical advice. My anal lump has decreased in size drastically!

My symptoms have improved drastically. I would advise you to connect with an online doctor on this online platform. The doctor provided me with treatment and reassurance.

Her patience and knowledge were admirable. 

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Information on hemorrhoids added by Your Doctors Online Team:

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are enlarged or swollen veins inside and outside the anus or rectum.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

  • itching in the anal region
  • uncomfortable lump/swelling near your anus
  • pain/discomfort around the anus, especially when sitting
  • bleeding while passing stool

What are the risk factors for developing hemorrhoids?

  • Being overweight 
  • Being pregnant
  • Consuming a low-fiber diet
  • Prolonged sitting
  • Have chronic constipation or diarrhoea
  • Regularly lifting heavy objects

What are the treatment options for hemorrhoids?

Some treatment options include:

  • Pain relief remedies such as sitz bath or application of a numbing gel
  • Taking Fibre supplements
  • Using a haemorrhoidal cream or suppository 
  • If such measures don’t help and the bleeding persists, your doctor may suggest rubber band ligation or sclerotherapy.

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