Your Doctors Online Diagnosed Me With Vestibular Papillomatosis While I was Convinced I had An STD!

Your Doctors Online Diagnosed Me With Vestibular Papillomatosis while I was convinced I had an STD!
Medically reviewed by Dr. Fizza Imtiaz

Read On How Your Doctors Online Diagnosed Charlotte With Vestibular Papillomatosis!

I am Charlotte, and recently developed round bumps on my vaginal area. I never knew that a condition known as vestibular papillomatosis existed. Since I had a new partner with whom I had recently become sexually active. My biggest fear was that I had caught an STD. 

I developed small, shiny, skin-colored growths on my vulva!

I had no other symptoms like pain, itching, or abnormal vaginal discharge, but I was losing sleep. Moreover, constantly living in fear, I was on the verge of breaking down. I broke up with my partner blaming him for bumps, refusing to listen to him. 

I signed up on Your Doctors Online platform to seek guidance!

Despair engulfed me, but I regained enough sense to make an appointment. Unfortunately, I could not get an appointment with my Ob/gyne. Therefore, I started searching for online doctors. Finally, I came across Your Doctors Online, a platform that advocates for women’s health. Thus, after thorough research, I was impressed by their reviews. So, I signed up immediately.

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The online doctor diagnosed me with vestibular papillomatosis!

I connected with Dr. Farrukh, who asked me several questions about my current symptoms. She asked me the following questions:

  • When did I first notice the bumps?
  • Do I have any pain?
  • Do I have any symptoms like vaginal discharge, itching, or a rash?

She also took my detailed sexual history. Then, she diagnosed me with vestibular papillomatosis after asking about my symptoms and looking at my provided image. I was informed that the condition is called vestibular papillomatosis. It was a harmless condition. Then I immediately felt like I could breathe again. After that, I asked her questions regarding the situation, and she patiently answered them. 

I was relieved to find out that vestibular papillomatosis was harmless!

Furthermore, Dr. Farrukh explained that the condition is not a disease. It is, in fact, a variant of the normal anatomy of the vulva. Therefore, it is not an STD or any infection. However, I was also informed that it could be mistaken for warts. That is why it is wise to get a clinical exam for reassurance.

Finally, I am glad that I signed up for Your Doctors Online. Getting a diagnosis within minutes was such a huge relief. The platform is reliable, and board-certified doctors can cater to your needs.

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Information On Vestibular Papillomatosis Added By Your Doctors Online Team:

What is Vestibular Papillomatosis?

Vestibular papillomatosis is where small round bumps/papillae or projections develop on the woman’s vulva.

What are the symptoms of Vestibular Papillomatosis?

Shiny/skin-colored bumps develop on a woman’s vulva that is painless. Moreover, most women do not have any other symptoms. 

How is Vestibular Papillomatosis diagnosed?

A clinical examination helps diagnose the condition.

Is Vestibular Papillomatosis an STD?

No, it isn’t an STD. It is a normal variant anatomy of the vulva.

What are the treatment options for Vestibular Papillomatosis? 

The condition is not dangerous and does not require treatment. 

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