You may love sex but your vagina may have problems about it such as getting irritations and UTIs. Luckily, there are simple things that you can do after having sex so you can keep your vagina and sexual appetite happy. Try some of these simple after sex routines.
1. Pee After Sex
This is particularly advisable if you’re prone to UTIs. Bacteria from the rectum are in close proximity to the vagina and the urethra. While having sex, those bacteria could get close to the urethra and result to infections. Peeing can wash out the bacteria that are present at the end of the urethra.
2. Take Cranberry Supplements
After every sex session, women who are susceptible to getting UTIs could take a once-a-day cranberry concentrate. These are available over the counter in pill form or in gummy form. But stay away from cranberry cocktail juices because those are sugary.
3. Wipe Down
If you feel icky down there after sex because of saliva or lube, do a quick wipe down. Lubricants and bacteria from the mouth, fingers, and rectum could raise your likelihood of developing a yeast or bacterial infection. It would be best if you use a non-fragrant soap.
Use a warm washcloth and gently dab soap and water on your vagina from front to back. You can also opt for just warm water. Just remember to exclude the interiors. Your vagina has its own internal wash cycle so avoid douching to keep your vagina clean and balanced.
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4. Soak In The Tub
Enjoy the feeling of a nice soak in the tub. This may not be a hygiene must but it can help decrease the risk of infection. Try to add extra virgin coconut oil to the warm water. It will help hydrate the skin of your outer vagina.
Plus it will soothe vaginal swellings and irritations that could appear after having sex. Just don’t go overboard on the oils or scented balms. Too much could be irritating to your vagina.
5. Go Commando
For the ideal air circulation, it’s best if you go commando after freshening up. If you don’t feel comfortable doing this, then opt for cotton underwear and loose fitting sleepwear. That will help keep your privates dry. Nylon underwear and tight-fitting PJs could trap moisture and encourage the growth of bacteria.
6. Drink Some Water
You’ll be very sweaty after sex so drinking water after sex will be good. It will keep you hydrated which will help flush out those pesky bacteria that cause UTIs from your bladder. Be reminded that when you become dehydrated it affects your whole body and that includes your vagina.
7. Eat Probiotics
Eating foods that are rich in probiotics like yogurt and kimchi will aid you in having the same good bacteria that can be found in your vagina. According to experts, snacking on these after sex will help replenish your body’s good bacteria. That will reduce your risk of getting yeast infections.
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