Mucus in Stool: Common Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

Asian women suffering from abdominal pain while lying on bed
Medically reviewed by Dr. Ola Tarabzuni

Key Takeaways

  • Mucus is a sticky, fluid consistent, jelly-like substance that is often released by the colon, the last part of the digestive system.
  • It produces mucus when the digestion of food occurs, and it is common to see a normal amount of mucus in the stool.
  • If the amount, consistency, and frequency of mucus production changes or intensifies, it indicates the underlying causes, like malabsorption, rectal ulcers, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, allergic colitis, colon polyps, cystic fibrosis, and rectal cancer.

Occasional mucal discharge with the stool is normal and can be observed with no signs or symptoms of any underlying disease. It is uncommon to have persistent, thick, and white or red-colored mucus in the stool.
There could be several underlying diseases or medical conditions that can cause excessive and frequent diseases, e.g., dietary modifications, intolerance, allergic colitis in infants, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, allergic colitis, colon polyps, cystic fibrosis, and rectal cancer.

It’s good to include increased fluid intake in your diet to avoid digestive problems as preventive care. It will help you avoid medical conditions and mucus production in the colon (the last part of the large intestine) in the stool.

Is it normal to have mucus in stool? What does it look like?

Yes, it’s normal only if it occurs in small amounts and occasionally. If you see it occurring more than a couple of times in the abnormal and visible amount, there is an underlying cause of that mucus. The mucus in the stool is usually normal in small amounts and will indicate the normal digestion process along with simple dietary modifications.

As per an article published in the NIH, “A small quantity of mucus in stool is considered typical. Nevertheless, the occurrence of substantial amounts of mucus or mucus tinged with blood is considered unusual. The standard color is a tawny hue, attributed to the presence of bilirubin and bile.

Are you noticing mucus in your stool persistently? Get online consultation now

What causes mucus in stool? Is this a concern?

Several human causes can cause mucus in the stool, including dehydration and excessive constipation.

The other medical reasons that can be predicted by the presence of mucus in the stool is

  • Crohn’s disease
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Gastrointestinal Infections
  • Antibiotic Induced Diarrhea with mucus
  • Dietary modifications leading to food intolerance
  • Colon Polyps
  • Anal Fissures and rectal ulcers
  • Allergic colitis in babies
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Colon and Rectal Cancer

Dehydration and Constipation

Less fluid intake can affect overall health badly, including stimulating the metabolism and causing excessive constipation. It can also lead to minor cuts in the anal area, which will be seen as white mucus as well as small bleeding from the cuts after constipation.

Monitoring your daily fluid intake, specifically water, is crucial to avoid conditions like low metabolism and constipation.

Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel condition that affects your gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Initial indications of Crohn’s disease are diarrhea accompanied by fatigue and abundant mucus in the stool because of the compromised mucus barrier within the inflamed intestines of GIT.

In people with different types of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), the levels of specific mucins (mucus in stools) change depending on the severity of the disease and the amount of inflammation in the intestines. These changes in mucin levels reflect how well the intestines can protect themselves and heal in different kinds of IBD.


Hemorrhoids are the natural clusters of tissues containing blood vessels. They are situated at the terminal portion of the rectum, positioned just within the anus.

As per the article published by NIH, “Hemorrhoid problems can cause different symptoms, like itching, mucus discharge in stool, or a burning feeling in the anus. Bleeding without pain is also common. This can happen if hard stool damages the thin walls of the blood vessels in hemorrhoids.”

Gastrointestinal Infections

Gastrointestinal Infections will also cause a prominent amount of mucus in stool. GIT infections like salmonella and shigellosis (caused by Shigella) will be caused by bacteria resulting in mucusy stool when pooping.

You will feel like pooping when infected with these infections, but you will only notice mucus coming out of your system. It’s because these infections disturb the whole GIT system and result in either just the urge to poop or fluidy stool (Diarrhea).

Concerned about Mucus in Your Stool? Consult a doctor and get the right treatment tailored to your symptoms.

Antibiotic-Induced mucousy Diarrhea

Medications, especially antibiotics, have a common side effect: “diarrhea and mucus production while basing stool. It’s one of the common side effects of antibiotics and will affect the composition and color of the mucus present in the stool.
It mostly will be the white jelly-like mucus along with the loose diarrhea.

As per the research published, most antibiotic-induced diarrhea in individuals is caused by hospitalization, where Clostridium difficile (Clostridirm Def) species colonizes and changes the average mucus production and composition. A sample can be collected from the stools to assess the mucus production in the stool.

Dietary Modifications and Food Intolerance

Our diet and biological sleep cycle affect our overall health and depict the future of our well-being. Rigorous or normal changes in the diet can be beneficial and harmful if not done considering your health sensitivity and needs.

Dietary changes, like an increased diet rich in fats, can cause malabsorption, leading to the condition called “Steatorrhea,” which can be indicated by the presence of mucus in the stools.

Similarly, if the diet is rich in Fiber, which usually helps in digestion if taken rigorously or abruptly, you will notice mucus in your poop because the body will take its time to adjust to the fiber-enriched diet.

If you are lactose intolerant and you intake food with lactose, it will show its effects, including stomach disturbances, nausea, and, most importantly, mucus while passing through the bowels.


Hemorrhoids are the natural clusters of tissues containing blood vessels. They are situated at the rectum’s terminal portion, just within the anus.

As per the article published in NIH, “Hemorrhoid will present itself with diverse symptoms like itching, mucus discharge in stool and sometimes burning feeling in the anus. It is also common to notice bleeding while passing stool without pain, as it happens when hemorrhoids rupture the walls of the anus.

Colon Polyps/Rectal Ulcers and Anal Fissures

Polyps are small accumulations of tissue inside the colon’s wall. They grow bigger with time, causing an intense amount of mucus and frequent urgency to pass through the bowel.

People suffering from rectal ulcers present the symptoms of straining, altered bowel habits, anorectal pain, incomplete passage of stools, and passage of mucus and blood.

Anal Fissures are the small cuts in the anal area caused by passing the hard stools and persistent constipation. In the case of anal fissures, you might see whitish or reddish mucus coming out every time you poop.

Allergic Colitis in Babies

Allergic colitis is the sensitivity of babies to the proteins present in cows’ milk if they are fed that.
It presents itself with irritability, gassiness in the stomach, abdominal cramps, and mucus/blood in the stools.

The NIH study published an article stating the characteristics of mucosal lesions caused by allergic colitis in infants with and without breastfeeding.

Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is a disease in which the person produces a thick, greasy fluid called mucus, which affects the lungs and respiratory system. It also causes discomforting symptoms like diarrhea, fever, chills, and greasy, thick stool. Mucus in the stool is one of the most common indications of CF, along with cough and wheezing. When you pass the bowels, you will notice persistent mucus in the stool and a foul, unbearable smell.

Some other causes, e.g., appendicitis and parasitic infections, cause mucus in the stools, which can indicate many health-related issues in the body. It’s always good to get a medical diagnosis if you notice any persistent changes in your poop.

Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that can lead to inflammation and ulcers in the colon as well as rectum. The main symptoms of ulcerative colitis are fever, chills, mucus in stool, feeling the urgency to pass stools, joint pain, and swelling.

This damages the lining of the colon and rectum, leading to mucus production, which can be seen in the urine and stool and is often accompanied by diarrhea, abdominal pain, and a frequent need for bowel movements. People with UC often experience blood in their stool (poop) as well.

Anal abscess or fistula

An anal abscess is a fluid-filled infected cavity around the anus that can cause inflammation and leads to mucus production in the body as it tries to protect the affected tissue. An anal fistula gets develops after the anal abscess around the anus and sometimes causes mucus to pass from the skin to the stools during bowel movement.


Diverticulitis is the inflammation or infection of small pouches (diverticula) that can form in the walls of the colon. When these pouches become inflamed, they can produce excess mucus, which may be passed into the stool.

Other symptoms of diverticulitis include abdominal pain, fever, and changes in bowel habits, such as diarrhea or constipation.

How to diagnose mucus in stool?

Small amounts of mucus in the stool are sometimes normal, but if you notice it persistently, it can indicate different diseases in your body, and it is crucial to get a medical consultation and diagnosis.
Your healthcare provider will ask you to perform diagnostic tests as follows:

  1. Stool tests (stool sample will be taken for the test)
  2. .Colonoscopy (a long flexible tube called a colonoscope inserted with the camera for colon examination)
  3. Blood tests (Blood sample will be taken)
  4. Imaging tests (X-rays and CT scans)

Your healthcare provider will also ask about your medication and disease history to diagnose and prescribe according to your medical condition.

Treatment of Mucus in Stool

Mucus in the stool can be normal if it occurs in small amounts and not persistently.
If it occurs for more than a couple of days and prolongs to months, it is good to get a medical diagnosis and treatment regimen.

Treatment highly depends on the underlying cause of mucus production. Over-the-counter medications like Tylenol and Advil can be taken for temporary pain relief in case of stomach discomfort or cramps.

Conditions like Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, which cause inflammation of the intestines, may be treated with medications such as corticosteroids or immunosuppressants (e.g., mesalamine, azathioprine). Antibiotic medications will be prescribed according to the bacterial infective species. The drug of choice will be decided after the medical diagnostic results are received.

Note: A small amount of mucus in stool is less frequent; if it persists, it can indicate a bigger problem.

Don’t Ignore the Signs! If you’re experiencing mucus in your stool frequently, speak to a healthcare provider now!

Consult a Doctor

If you see a noticeable difference in mucus production frequency, color, and composition, consult your healthcare provider. It is common to have mucus in your stool to some extent normally, but if it stays persistent, get a medical consultation and prescription.

FAQs About Mucus in Stool

Why is there mucus in my stool but no inflammation?

Inflammation is the body’s reaction to any foreign particle that is harmful to it. It will only occur if the body’s immune system becomes reactive. If it doesn’t, it means that the mucus in the body indicates not the bacterial infection but something else, says Richard A. Honaker, M.D.

What color is IBS mucus?

The color of IBS mucus is white, thick, and cloudy, and it will be noticeable every time you pass the stool. Getting yourself checked by a medical provider for the proper diagnosis and treatment is good.

When should you be concerned about mucus in stool?

You should be concerned about mucus in stool only if it’s persistent and prominent every time. It can also be paired with foul and metallic smells.

How do I stop excessive mucus production?

You can not stop producing mucus until you get the proper diagnosis. The medical provider will provide you with the right prescription according to your condition, which will eventually stop the mucus production. Keep in mind that producing mucus in smaller amounts is sometimes common. It’s only serious if it stays persistent, says Richard A. Honaker, M.D.

What does colon mucus look like?

A colon mucus can look like a clear jelly-like white or yellowish substance, which can be stringy.A small amount is normal, while larger amounts of mucus can indicate an underlying medical condition and needs medical consultation as soon as possible.

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