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Vaginal boils can appear on the vagina (labia), vulva, or pubic area when a hair follicle becomes infected. This can result in red, swollen, and painful bumps. Most vaginal boils resolve independently, but in some cases, treatment may be required. This article is a must-read if you want to learn more about vaginal boils, ingrown hair boils, or a red bump on the groin.
What is a vaginal boil?
A vaginal boil is a bump filled with pus that develops under the skin in your pubic area, which is often painful. The bacteria Staphylococcus aureus is the organism that usually infects hair follicles. The infection of the hair follicle is termed folliculitis. A vaginal boil may result from a cut in the skin that can occur from using a razor to shave or a form of injury to the area. The bacteria enter the body through the skin break, leading to an infection.
Boils can become more painful as they increase in size. Eventually, they will rupture and exudate pus. A boil can develop on the labia, the vulvar area around your vagina, and the pubic region. Some women can get a boil in their groin. Boils can initially be small, then the size can increase, and it can be a golf ball. When the boils are clustered, they are referred to as a carbuncle.
Boils do not cause any harm and usually resolve within a few weeks. However, some vaginal boils may require treatment to cure the infection, so it is essential to consult a doctor.
Why do women get boils in the genital area?
Boils close to the vagina are caused by bacteria entering the skin and infecting a hair follicle. Practicing good hygiene helps prevent bumps on the vagina and recurring boils. Avoiding using a razor or changing your razor regularly may help prevent big boils in private areas.
Symptoms of a vaginal boil
Vaginal boils can begin as bumps and appear as a pimple or irritation post-shaving. If it grows and becomes painful, those are signs of an infection.
Symptoms of a vaginal boil include:
- Swollen, red lump/bump under the skin.
- Pain and tenderness at the site.
- Lump with the pus-filled center.
- Oozing clear fluid or developing a crust.
- Fever.
- Swollen lymph nodes.
Causes vaginal boils
Bumps on vaginal areas or boils are caused by a staphylococcus (staph) infection. This type of bacteria commonly resides on the skin and inside the nose. The organism causes problems when it gets inside the body. When bacteria infect areas of the skin that have a break, a lump filled with fluid may form. As the body’s defense system tries to fight the infection, this can result in a pimple on the vaginal area and blisters on the groin area in the female or inner thigh boils.
Some causes of boils include:
- Obesity or being overweight can cause boils to form between the folds of your skin.
- Ingrown hairs. These can be caused by shaving or waxing your vaginal area.
- Poor hygiene.
- Diabetes or similar conditions weaken the immune system.
- Tight-fitting clothes and sweaty undergarments.
- Insect bites or injury to the skin.
How are vaginal boils diagnosed?
A physical exam is usually sufficient to diagnose the boil. Vaginal bumps or hard lumps on the pubic area under the skin or bump on the genital typically can resolve without medical treatment. However, you can experience a lot of pain in case of an infection. If so, you must have the boil drained or take antibiotics as prescribed.
What tests will be done to diagnose a vaginal boil?
There aren’t any specific tests that are required to diagnose a sore on the vaginal lip. A fluid sample may be collected to see what kind of bacteria is causing the infection or leading to ingrown hair on the vagina or folliculitis vaginal. Antibiotics are given to treat recurring vaginal boils. Although, this can be a symptom of an underlying condition. Screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is sometimes also carried out.
How to get rid of vaginal boils
Most boils typically resolve with at-home treatment or by using a boil ointment. It is advised never to try to squeeze a boil.
- Applying a warm or hot compress to the region several times a day usually helps relieve some of the pain and pressure and razor bumps on the vag lip.
- Washing your hands before and after you touch the area helps prevent the spread of infection.
- Keeping the area clean once the boil opens and fluid comes out helps prevent the spread of infection. There are different boil healing stages. Using a loose gauze bandage to cover the area can help protect the area.
- Wearing loose-fitting clothing helps prevent irritation of bumps on genitals and massive boils bursting.
- Taking an over-the-counter pain medication for vaginal folliculitis helps with the pain and swelling.
Medical Treatment
Home remedies to treat cyst pimples on the private parts of females may not help, which is why further treatment may be required.
- An abscess on the vagina, or a painful bump on the vagina, is cured by taking antibiotics to help the infection heal or if in case of recurrent infection.
- Large vaginal abscesses or labial abscesses that don’t go away may need to be drained.
- Mupirocin ointment for boils is required to treat boils in the private area in females and is considered one of the best drugs for boils in the private part.
Sometimes it is hard to prevent boils on the skin around the vagina. However, some measures may help to reduce the chances of getting boils repeatedly near your vagina instead of continuously using the best antibiotic for boils:
- Washing your genital area with antibacterial soap helps prevent bacteria from causing infection.
- Shaving in the same direction as hair growth and changing your razor frequently helps prevent boils formation.
- Avoid sharing soap, towels, and washcloths.
- Washing your hands regularly, before and after touching the genitals, also helps prevent the spread of infection.
- Changing your underwear daily.
- Reducing your weight if you are overweight could help avoid the accumulation of bacteria on folds of the skin.
Risk factors and complications
Vaginal boils rarely result in severe complications. However, there is a rare possibility that bacteria from the boil can spread into your bloodstream. This can affect other organs of the body.
Vulvar boil vs Cyst
Vulvar boil occurs as a result of an infection of a hair follicle. Cysts can also form on the vulva in women. Bartholin cysts are quite common. They’re formed if Bartholin glands become blocked or infected. These glands produce fluid to lubricate the vagina.
When to consult a doctor for vaginal boils
Suppose you have noticed a lump near your vagina that is increasing in size or have genital folliculitis or a vaginal staph infection. In that case, you should consult a doctor at Your Doctors Online for prompt diagnosis and treatment!
FAQs About Vaginal Boils Answered by Your Doctors Online
A vaginal boil is a bump that develops under your skin in your pubic area. It is pus-filled and often painful. The bacteria Staphylococcus aureus is the organism that usually infects hair follicles.
Boils are not classified as a sexually transmitted disease. However, if you come in close contact with someone with a draining boil, you can get the infection.
Applying warm compresses to the boil can help it to pop or drain naturally.
The pus or fluid inside a boil carries contagious bacteria; therefore, someone in contact may get the infection.
A bump on the vagina can indicate pimples, boils, or cysts.
Typically, boils resolve within three weeks, but sometimes, medical treatment may be required.
Application of an antibiotic ointment or oral antibiotics may be required to treat boils.
Applying cool compresses, soothing lotion, or cortisone cream may help alleviate itching.
The boil initially appears in the form of a small, red bump. It can then develop into a painful spot with a white or yellow pus-filled tip within a few days.
A boil is a bump filled with pus that develops under the skin, which is often painful. The bacteria Staphylococcus aureus is the organism that is responsible for infecting hair follicles. Boil may result from a cut in the skin that can occur from using a razor to shave or a form of injury to the area.
Hidradenitis supprativa is a chronic skin disease that is characterized by recurrent boils. Pemphigus is a rare autoimmune disease that can lead to blisters on the skin and mucous membranes, affecting the mouth, nose, throat, eyes, and genitals.
A boil usually resolves without any medical intervention. However, if the infection worsens, you may need to get the boil drained or require antibiotics to treat the condition.
Most boils will resolve on their own within a period of a few weeks. However, there is no specified time for healing. Applying warm compresses can help.