Get a consultation for an online doctor in Washington, DC, within minutes. Our online doctors provide 24-hour urgent care in Washington, DC. Your Doctors Online telehealth services include medical advice, online prescriptions, lab requisitions, doctor’s notes, and more, all from the comfort of your home.
Consult with virtual doctors in 3 easy steps
Download our app, register and tell us about your medical issue to get started.
Connect with a board-certified doctor. You can chat, send pictures and videos.
Hi I’m Dr. Nicole. How may I help you?
Hi Dr. Nicole, I have a fever and a terrible sore throat. Can I get antibiotics for that, please?
Our online doctors can help you with your medical issues and give you prescriptions.
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Washington DC is America’s capital territory, making it one of the busiest cities in the United States. Even at top hospitals like Washington Hospital Center, Georgetown University Hospital, and Sibley Memorial Hospital, the average ER wait is 4+ hours.
Although Washington, DC, is one of America’s healthiest cities, traffic and pollution put residents at risk of chronic diseases. Regarding healthcare, Washington, DC, is ranked 28th in the United States. However, long ER wait times can be exhausting and life-threatening. Your Doctors Online provides easy access to physicians in Washington, DC. We are HIPAA-compliant and strictly maintain doctor-patient confidentiality.
You can get antibiotics in Washington, DC, through Your Doctors Online. Our telemedicine services allow you to connect with a doctor, assess your condition, diagnose bacterial infections, and prescribe antibiotics, if required, based on your specific condition and medical history.
There are different walk-in clinics in the city and public hospitals. However, you will require a prior appointment in a walk-in clinic and still have to wait in long queues. Thus, Your Doctors Online provides an easy and efficient solution. Get virtual urgent care with our experienced team of primary physicians.
An online doctor can diagnose common medical conditions like allergies and infections and address specific mental and sexual health issues.
People in Washington face health issues like AIDs, obesity, drug overdose, and infant mortality. See an online doctor if you experience any unusual symptoms.
The rates might be different for walk-in clinics and online urgent care providers, but Your Doctors Online is the most economical among all. We charge $25/month, which is billed quarterly. In this subscription, you can have unlimited consultations and prescription refills.
You can get online prescriptions, doctor's notes, and general medical advice at an online walk-in clinic. You can also talk with your doctor about the possibility of being referred to a specialist.
In Washington, without insurance, it's quite expensive; you might get charged around $1500-$2000 for an emergency room visit. But Your Doctors Online has the solution. With us, you can have urgent care instantly for just $25/month.
Talk to online doctors now and get medical advice, online prescriptions, refills, lab requisitions and medical notes within minutes. On-demand healthcare services at your fingertips.
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