Get a consultation from an online doctor in Philadelphia within minutes. We provide quality telehealth services, including medical advice, online prescriptions, lab requisitions, doctors’ notes, and more from the comfort of your home.
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Consult with online doctor in Philadelphia in 3 steps
Download our app, register and tell us about your medical issue to get started.
Connect with a board-certified doctor. You can chat, send pictures and videos.
Hi I’m Dr. Nicole. How may I help you?
Hi Dr. Nicole, I have a fever and a terrible sore throat. Can I get antibiotics for that, please?
Our online doctors can help you with your medical issues and give you prescriptions.
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With a population of 6.23 million and an average wait time of 2-3 hours in major walk in clinics in Philadelphia, healthcare delays are bound to happen. Skip the waiting rooms and access virtual doctor care from the comfort of your home. Our virtual walk in clinic offers prompt and reliable medical assistance, including STD testing and fertility care through our virtual clinic.
Our doctors provide urgent care to primary care services in Philadelphia round the clock and on the weekends. We are HIPAA compliant, and we strongly maintain doctor-patient confidentiality.
Telemedicine is legal in Philadelphia, and our board-certified online doctors can give prescriptions and consultations with HIPAA-compliant policies.
Emergency conditions like major injuries, anaphylactic attacks, and heart attacks cannot be treated with telemedicine, and you need to rush to the hospital as soon as possible. Call 911 for emergency conditions to reach your nearest emergency room.
Primary care to urgent care conditions like muscle sprain, skin infections, allergies, urinary tract infections and respiratory problems can be diagnosed and treated at a virtual visit to an online clinic like Your Doctors Online.
Yes, an online doctor can diagnose you in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, without waiting hours in a queue in a physical walk-in clinic. A doctor will ask about your symptoms, you can share pictures or videos if required, and they will prescribe you medications as per your condition. Moreover, if required they can prescribe lab tests and treatment based on your results.
It is effortless to find doctors in Philadelphia. If you have any medical concerns and require a doctor's assistance, connect with a doctor at Your Doctors Online. Through our user-friendly application, you can connect with virtual doctors of Philadelphia within minutes.
It depends on the specific situation and the professional judgment of the virtual doctor. Antibiotics are prescription medications that should be prescribed based on a thorough evaluation of your symptoms and medical history. During a virtual visit, a doctor can assess your condition and determine if antibiotics are necessary. They may prescribe antibiotics if it is deemed appropriate and in line with evidence-based medical practices.
Yes, you can get prescriptions online in Philadelphia. All you have to do is follow these three steps.
1. Download our application, and register yourself.
2. Chat with board-certified doctors of Philadelphia, and share your medical issue.
3. Get an online prescription.
They will evaluate your symptoms, medical history, and any applicable guidelines to determine the appropriate treatment plan, which may include prescribing medications if necessary.
Telehealth can effectively manage a wide range of conditions, including but not limited to cold and flu symptoms, allergies, skin conditions, respiratory infections, minor injuries, mental health concerns, chronic disease management, and medication management.
Yes, you can have a family doctor in Pennsylvania. Having a family doctor provides continuity of care and allows for a trusted healthcare relationship. Family doctors are trained to provide comprehensive medical care for individuals of all ages, from infants to seniors. They can address a wide range of healthcare needs, including preventive care, routine check-ups, chronic disease management, and acute illness treatment. To find a family doctor in Pennsylvania, you can consult Your Doctors Online.
Talk to online doctors now and get medical advice, online prescriptions, refills, lab requisitions and medical notes within minutes. On-demand healthcare services at your fingertips.
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