‘I shat myself in school!’ – Fecal incontinence story

fecal incontinence blog

This patient presented with Fecal Incontinence. Read how Your Doctors Online helped.

Fecal incontinence left me physically and mentally unstable for a year.

I am 16 years old, and my Sophomore year was an embarrassing nightmare for me. I could not talk about it with anyone and would cry for hours. Ultimately I left school because I was depressed and couldn’t cope with the bullying and embarrassment.

My parents tried supporting me, but sometimes they could not help me. Looking at them made me feel worse. I wanted to end my life due to my condition. In addition, I did not know what to do, how to live, and how to manage all the stress and anxiety that I was having.

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As my condition deteriorated, I thought I wouldn’t have an everyday life again.

It all started a year ago. I was walking with a friend at school, and I noticed my jeans felt wet. I thought it was the seat I was sitting on until I used the restroom. To my surprise, I shat myself!

I was very shocked, but I cleaned myself and got up. “It’s just the sandwich you had last night.” I thought to myself and went to my local doctor. He gave me medications for diarrhea, and I didn’t worry about it too much.

Little did I know fecal incontinence was about to get worse.

In the coming weeks, I had multiple involuntary bowel movements, all of which went unnoticed, and I had to use diapers. My parents took me to countless doctors, but they all gave me temporary solutions.

Also, it got worse, and I had to leave school. I thought I wouldn’t have an everyday life again.

I searched for involuntary bowel movement treatment and discovered Your Doctors Online.

While browsing multiple sites on the internet, sad and depressed, I found Your Doctors Online. I didn’t know of this application before, but I didn’t hesitate to give it a chance because I had already downloaded multiple other applications.

Soon, I started chatting with Dr. Fariah Hanif and slowly opened up to her.

Furthermore, she questioned everything, from how it started to details about my family history.

After reviewing my history, she told me that poor stool consistency, muscle damage, weakness, or nerve damage could lead to fecal incontinence.

Therefore, she advised me to see a proctologist, not just a local physician. She guided me on things like:

  • Investigations required.
  • Causes.
  • Possible treatments.
My Hyperthyroidism was misdiagnosed as Anxiety!

My surgeon told me the same thing as Your Doctors Online physician about fecal incontinence.

After this chat, I waited for my doctor’s appointment, where the doctor told me the same thing after a detailed history and a physical exam. I had to get an anal manometry and an anal ultrasound. Both tests, anal manometry, and ultrasound, took approximately 30 minutes to complete.

The doctor told me that my tests showed muscle weakness and nothing more.

Moreover, I did not know how to process the information. I went to Your Doctors Online and was explained that I had an injury to the rings of muscle at the end of the rectum.

Dr. Hanif advised me to do pelvic floor exercises, plus she gave me a diet to follow, a bowel pattern to maintain, and, above all, frequent follow-ups so that the doctor could track my progress.

The team at Your Doctors Online supported me mentally, and it has since become my favorite application for second opinions. At the same time, I went to the hospital for my monthly physical checkups.

My life has taken a 360-degree turn thanks to Your Doctors Online.

Additionally, I would advise everyone to seek a professional opinion regarding any issue. This is a great platform; the doctors are excellent and helpful.

Finally, I continue seeking medical advice from Your Doctors Online professionals to date, be it a minor issue, and they are always helpful, empathetic, and available.

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