Get Psoriasis Treatment Online
Psoriasis occur as a result of immune system backfire attacking its own healthy cells and as a result replace healthy skin cells more quickly than normal. This causes scaly itchy rashes on the skin of scalp, trunk, knees, and elbow commonly. However, it can occur on other areas too.
How to connect with doctor for psoriasis
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Hi I’m dr. Nicole. How may I help you?
Hi Dr. Nicole, I have rashes on my trunk with cracked skin that itch and burn. Can you help me?

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- Hydrocortisone 2.5% Ointment
- Apply to affected area once a day in the morning for 1 month. Revisit if irritation occurs.
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Symptoms and Causes
Being an autoimmune disease, its specific cause is unknown but it speeds up the process of replacement of skin cells and certain triggers aggravates the condition. Here are some of the symptoms of psoriasis:
- Dry, cracked skin prone to bleeding
- Itching, burning, or soreness
- Round rashes that flare up for weeks or months and then subside
- Patchy rash with varying appearances
- Rash color differs on different skin tones (purple with gray scale on dark skin, pink or red with silver scale on white skin)
- Small scaling spots, particularly seen in children
In the most common type (plaque psoriasis), this results in dry, scaly patches. Both genetic and environmental factors are thought to contribute to the condition, and it is not contagious.

FAQs About Psoriasis
What is the best cream to treat psoriasis?
The best cream psoriasis is hydrocortisone creams and ointments. Hydrocortisone creams are available over-the-counter as well but only for mild psoriasis. For moderate to severe cases, prescription hydrocortison is available at Your Doctors Online. It can help treat small patches with intense itching and inflammation.
How to treat psoriasis on scalp?
Scalp psoriasis can be treated with corticosteroids that provide quick relief from swelling, inflammation, itching, and redness. If used as directed by the doctor, it can provide fast relief from scalp psoriasis. You can get the prescription for corticosteroids after consultation from our doctor at Your Doctors Online.
What clears psoriasis fast?
For moderate to severe psoriasis, light therapy can clear the flare up rapidly. In this procedure, the natural or artificial light exposure towards the scalp in controlled amount can help clear the psoriasis clear up fast. Usually it is given either alone or in combination with the psoriasis medications depending upon the symptoms of the patient. Consult our online doctor at Your Doctors Online for the prescription of psoriasis treatment and prescription.
Is there a way to permanently get rid of psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a skin condition which has no specific cure as it is an autoimmune disease where the immune system back fires against its own cells. It causes rapid replacement of skin cells than normal causing scaling and cracking of the skin. Management of the flareups can help reduce theonset of symptoms but cannot help eliminate it completely.
Is there an OTC for psoriasis?
There are certain emollients present for the psoriasis which help treat mild symptoms. Some advance treatments contain active ingredients like coal tar, hydrocortisone, and salicylic acid which help treat severe symptoms faster. These ingredients are usually present in the form of ointments or over-the-counter lotions like CeraVe psoriasis lotion.
How do I get rid of psoriasis on my face and scalp?
For the treatment of facial and scalp psoriasis, certain steroid ointments can help. Moreover, low strength corticosteroids like hydrocortisone ointment and saline wash can also help ease the symptoms fo the psoriasis.
How to treat psoriasis during pregnancy?
If you experience the symptoms of psoriasis during pregnancy, your provider may prescribe some low potency steroid ointments like hydrocortisone 1%. These low strength ointments are safe for the baby and doesn’t increase any risk of birth defects. However, consult your OB/GYN about the symptoms. Our doctor at Your Doctors Online can help you treat psoriasis and prescribe safe solutions for both mother and child.
How do you treat minor psoriasis?
For the treatment of minor psoriasis, a mild corticosteroid can help like 1% hydrocortisone. Apply it directly to the small pathces of skin. However, if you see more than a few patches you may need a high strength corticosteroid which is available on prescription only. Consult our doctor online for the treatment and prescription of psoriasis and avoid itching too much to reduce inflammation.
Should you treat mild psoriasis?
Yes, while the symptoms are mild, management is easy. Therefore, even if you experience mild to moderate symptoms, consult your provider for the right management practices and treatment of psoriasis to rule out the possibility of it turning into severe skin inflammation. Initially your doctor will recommend low potency ointments increasing the strength if the symptoms doesn’t go away.
Which psoriasis medication has the least side effects?
The newest and safest psoriasis treatment is biologics which works by attacking the quite part of the immune system causing very less side effects and lower chances of developing other health conditions like heart and kidney disease as compared to other strong psoriasis treatment options.
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